Libertad Mod


Like it or hate it, Far Cry 5 and New Dawn took away quite a bit of what made the earlier Far Cry games great.

Far Cry 6 is an attempt to rectify those mistakes by adding back some old features which were put on the chopping block in FC5 and ND.

Such as a vocal protagonist, a greater weapon variety, more situations and special enemies in which strategy is required, a longer story, worthwhile side content, and even some DLCs to relive the great villains of past Far Cry games.

However, an always applicable rule of thumb is that no game is perfect, and Far Cry 6 is no different, so the Libertad Mod's objective is to allow you to remove most pet peeves or annoying bugs that you might encounter during your time in Yara, such as unlocking the annoyingly low field-of-view (FOV) in vehicles and horses, increase the field of view for weapons to move them further away from your face, making unjustifiably weak weapons such as the FN FAL battle rifle not be some early-game placeholder, making those large and bulky Supremo backpacks invisible to keep your style consistent in photo mode and the 3rd person cutscenes, and lastly, allowing you to absolutely murder each and every civilian or "ally" you come across and allow you to reveal or unfog more of the map as you travel throughout Yara.


How to install the mod look here.


• FOV unlocker for unlocking FOV in actions (Swimming, Driving...)
• Disable DOF (depth of field) e.g. on weapons.
• Bigger Fog of War Discovery for increasing round of fog disappearing on map.
• More are coming soon...
• There are curenntly no known issues :)
ArmanIII (discovery, data mods, magic)
AOY (big help with mod stuff, some packages, his work is credited in each package, Hebrew language of Mod Installer, mod pages design)



rengareng, SunBeam, Norway1999, Gibbed, Ekey, mistemitsmit, vbiguine, Adlene.


You can install packages of other authors hosted on Nexus Mods with a link to Libertad-Mod in Description. You can even try to become a developer and author of packages yourself. Using development tools and documentation. Developers live and communicate on Discord. If you want to help develop the mod (searching in game-files and testing changes in the game, translation of the Mod-Installer into your native language), you can. You'll be listed in the credits.

Far Cry:Modding Community (FCMC©) Community - Official Discord Server: